Elevate your organization's workforce management with Job Thikana!

Revolutionize on-the-job training with our ultimate application, tailored exclusively for organizations dedicated to providing a seamless, rewarding, and efficient training experience.

Why choose Job Thikana? In today's fast-paced business environment, ensuring a hassle-free and rewarding on-the-job training experience is crucial. Here's why Job Thikana stands out as your strategic partner:

  • Streamlined On-Job-Training: Simplify the on-the-job training process with Job Thikana's intuitive features. From creating employee profiles to managing attendance and processing payments online, we've got your workforce management covered.
  • Effortless Employee Onboarding: Bid farewell to cumbersome onboarding processes. With Job Thikana, your organization can effortlessly handle employee onboarding, leave approvals, and attendance tracking—all at your fingertips.
  • Enhanced Communication: Foster seamless communication within your organization. Receive notifications on leave approvals, provide feedback on client and on-the-job training, and keep your team in the loop with Job Thikana.
  • Digi Notes & New Learning: Empower your employees with continuous learning opportunities. Job Thikana integrates Digi Notes and New Learning features, ensuring your team stays updated with the latest industry knowledge.

What are the distinctive features that set our app apart?

Profile Creation:

Effortlessly create and manage profiles, ensuring accurate representation of skills and qualifications for students' professional identities.

Leave Management:

Streamline administrative processes with seamless leave applications and updates on approval status, enhancing convenience for students.

Attendance Tracking:

Enable easy attendance marking with location tracking for authenticity, providing accurate records and real-time insights for students and administrators.

Notification System:

Stay informed with instant notifications on leave approval status, facilitating effective communication and keeping students updated on training schedules.

Feedback Mechanism:

Promote two-way feedback for valuable insights on clients and on-the-job training, fostering continuous improvement and enhancing training program quality.

Digi Notes:

Access and manage study materials digitally, promoting a paperless environment for convenient organization and reference.

New Learning Module:

Explore additional educational resources for enhanced knowledge and skills beyond the training program, tailored to individual student needs.

ChatGPT Integration:

Enhance learning experiences with AI-powered ChatGPT for direct interaction, efficient learning through questions, clarification, and instant information access, creating a personalized and interactive learning environment.

App Screenshots

Price & Plan

Standard Plan
₹XXX month
₹XXXX yearly
  • Employee Profile Creation
  • Leave Application
  • Daily Attendance Tracking (Location Enabled)
  • Leave Approval Notifications
  • Client and OJT Feedback
Pro Plan
  • White Label Customization
  • Auto-Generated Invoice
  • Internship Vacancy Listings
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Customizable Reporting